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In Switzerland, Chemicals Law and Chemicals Ordinance (ChemO) requires the suppliers to classify, label and pack the hazard substance and preparations according to the EU-CLP Regulation and adopt the GHS. The suppliers and the importers must classify and label the dangerous goods (including the new substance and exempt substance which are less than 1 ton /year)

Chemicals Law and Chemicals Ordinance (ChemO): because Switzerland isn’t the member of the EU or EEA, the EU REACH regulation does not apply to. Switzerland has his own chemical laws and regulations which are similar to the register requirements of the REACH regulation. But it is only for the new substance on the market in Switzerland. The substance that is more than 1 ton must register before appearing on the market in Switzerland, even though this substance has been registered according to the EU REACH.

The critical period of the implementation of the GHS for substance and mixture:

To substance: 1st Dec. 2012

To mixture: 1st Jun. 2015


The requirements of classification, labelling and SDS in Switzerland


The classification complies with the EU-CLP regulation (be base on the 5th version of the GHS).

The classification in annex VI of CLP is mandatory.


The relevant stipulation of the label should refer to the EU-CLP.

Language: it must be used at least two official languages (for example, English, German, French, Italian or etc.). The small label can use one language.

The confidential information of the suppliers: it must submit an application if it uses chemical alternative name.

The hazard substance or mixture has its own special label identification ways: see Chemicals Law and Chemicals Ordinance (ChemO).


The format and content of the SDS should refer to the EU REACH regulation (the format of the SDS contains 16 sections).

Language: it must be used at least two official languages.

In Switzerland, Chemicals Law and Chemicals Ordinance (ChemO) requires the suppliers or importers to notify the authorities within 3 months before selling the hazardous goods or preparations to the market, then register them. The detailed information of the registration requirement and exemption: see Chemicals Law and Chemicals Ordinance (ChemO).