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Transport of dangerous goods - General requirements relating to packaging guidelines

Posted Date:2024/10/22

Dangerous goods should be packed in packages of good quality, including medium bulk containers and large packages, which should be strong enough to withstand shocks and loads normally encountered during transport, including transfers between cargo transport units, between cargo transport units and warehouses, and subsequent manual or mechanical loading and unloading of everything from palleys or collective packaging.

Packaging, including the manufacture and sealing of medium bulk containers and large packages, shall be able to prevent any loss of contents during transport due to vibration under normal transport conditions, or due to changes in temperature, humidity or pressure (e.g. pressure arising from different altitudes).

Packaging, including medium bulk containers and large packages, shall be closed in accordance with the information provided by the manufacturer. No hazardous residues shall adhere to the outside of packages, medium bulk containers and large packages during transportation.

General provisions relating to packaging guidelines

Sets out the packaging guidelines applicable to dangerous goods in categories 1 to 9. The packaging guidelines are further broken down by the type of packaging they apply to:

For packaging other than medium bulk containers and large packages, these packaging guidelines are represented by an alphanumeric code with a "P";

For medium bulk containers, these packaging guidelines are represented by an alphanumeric code with "IBC";

For large packages, these packaging guidelines are represented by an alphanumeric code with "LP".

Special packaging requirements are also represented by an alphanumeric code:

"PP" is suitable for packaging other than medium bulk containers and large packages

"B" applies to medium bulk containers

"L" is suitable for large packages.

Each of the packaging guidelines lists the acceptable single and combination packages, depending on the situation. For combined packaging, the acceptable outer packaging, inner packaging and, where applicable, the maximum quantity allowed in each inner or outer packaging are listed.