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Class A Fires and Its Extinguishing Agents

Posted Date:2024/11/12

I. Role of Fire-fighting Agents in SDS
In the fifth section of the SDS on "Firefighting Measures," relevant requirements should be described for extinguishing fires caused by chemicals or mixtures or surrounding materials, to ensure that the SDS provides a firefighting guidance plan during a fire. This mainly includes fire-fighting agents, fire-fighting methods, and fire-fighting precautions.

Because workers or SDS users are likely not firefighters, and cannot make the correct choice during a fire. If workers choose the wrong fire-fighting agent (i.e., those that react with flammable materials), it will be disastrous. In this article, we will teach you how to choose suitable and unsuitable fire-fighting agents in the fifth section of the SDS.

Today, we will mainly talk about "Class A fires and its extinguishing agents."

II. Fire Types and Unsuitable Fire-fighting Agents
Class A Fire: Solid material fire. Such materials often have organic properties and generally produce hot ash when burning. For example: dry grass, wood, coal, cotton, wool, flax, paper, etc.

Suitable Fire-fighting Agents: Water-type, foam, ammonium phosphate dry powder, and halogenated hydrocarbon fire extinguishers should be used to extinguish Class A fires, i.e., solid material fires.

Unsuitable Fire-fighting Agents: Carbon dioxide. For solid materials that release flammable or toxic gases when in contact with water, water should be designated as an inappropriate fire-fighting medium.